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Hôtel Chez Terrassier

205 rue du village 82800 Vaissac
  +33(0)5 63 30 94 60 See the menus
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The Chez Terrassier family restaurant

In the center of the small village square of Vaïssac, in the Midi Pyrénées region, the family restaurant Chez Terrassier, a tasty and authentic gourmet address ...

From the name of its founders, the restaurant Chez Terrassier has continued for 60 years the tradition of an unlimited passion for gastronomy. For the Henry family, dining is everything : flowers from the garden placed on the table with herbs and raspberries from the kitchen garden ... All thanks to the talent of "papi René".

In the steps of their ancestors, supported by Annie Cousseran, his mother-in-law, Gilles learned the secrets of cooking and passionately perpetuates the family culture for authentic and traditional seasonal "homemade" cooking.

Member of the Restaurateurs du Tarn et Garonne, he puts the spotlight on local produce including the exceptional "cep" from Vaïssac which is part of the French culinary heritage an emblematic product of the restaurant. The recipes are a reflection of the family tradition, especially the apple croustade, which was created by his great-grandmother thus transmitting all the little secrets of its recipe. From butchery to the cannery in the kitchen, there was just one step. It is therefore a refined and quality cooking that we invite you to enjoy on our terrace in the shade of its trees or in our air-conditioned dining room.

Restaurant opening hours

Monday 12h00 - 13h30 19h30 - 21h00
Tuesday 12h00 - 13h30 19h30 - 21h00
Wednesday 12h00 - 13h30 19h30 - 21h00
Thursday 12h00 - 13h30 19h30 - 21h00
Friday 12h00 - 13h30
Saturday 19h30 - 21h00
Sunday 12h00 - 13h30

Annual leave

from 01/01 to 09/01; from 18/04 to 8/08; from 21/08 to 4/09

Our Equipments



PRM acces

Free Wifi

Air conditioning

Evening stopover

Groups & seminars


Free public parking

Hôtel Restaurant Terrassier